Sunday 23 February 2014

Robbie captured some footage from a night out in Burnley and some surrounding areas. We would use this footage for the introduction of the video to show the sort of night out the character had. This clip showed a fight beginning outside a pub. Robbie filmed it in his car so we had to trim off the wing mirror that was in shot and then we centralized the fight so that it was the most eye catching part of the scene.

The two screen shots show the editing process, the overall clip was quite long and most of it was unusable so we trimmed it down to around ten seconds and included different shots of the pub and the streets outside.
The Band
Like most of the bands we have researched we will have a four man band. The band will consist of Robbie on drums, Cameron on Bass, Andrew on Drums and myself as lead singer.

We borrowed the drums from the music section of our college,
we chose Andrew to play them as he is an experienced drummer so he would look the most convincing when we filming the video. Andrew fits into the band as he has a Liam Gallagher styled hair cut giving him the generic look of someone who is in an indie band.

Lead Guitar and Bass Guitar
Both Cameron and Robbie can play both guitars, however Robbie has played in a band and picked up the song quicker so we decided to go with him as lead guitarist. Cameron is not quite as skilled as Robbie so we decided to go with him on the bass instead. Robbie owned both guitars so these were quite easy to acquire. Both have the look of standard working class young men which is the audience that we are aiming our band at so they will find it relatable.

Lead Singer
I would be taking on the role of lead singer as we chose to lip
sink the song and I had some experience of this when taking
part in a previous media task. I also already knew the words
to song a lot more than the rest of the group.  We were able to
borrow the microphone and stand from the music department
so there was no trouble there.

Overall this gives the band a stereotypical look for its genre, taking inspiration from when Oasis and The Arctic Monkeys first broke onto the popular scene our band looks like a group of everyday 'lads' that could be from anywhere. This makes the group easy to relate to for the target audience of young males aged 18-30.

Song lyrics

Last night these two bouncers
And one of em's alright
The other one's the scary one
His way or no way, totalitarian

He's got no time for you
Looking or breathing
How he don't want you to

So step out the queue
He makes examples of you
And there's nowt you can say
Behind they go through to the bit where you pay
And you realize then that it's finally the time
To walk back past ten thousand eyes in the line

And you can swap jumpers and make another move
Instilled in your brain you've got something to prove
To all the smirking faces and the boys in black
Why can't they be pleasant?
Why can't they have a laugh?

He's got his hand in your chest
He wants to give you a duff
Well secretly I think they want it all to kick off
They want, arms flying everywhere and
Bottles as well it's just
Something to talk about
A story to tell, yeah

Well I'm so glad they turned us all away we'll put it down to fate

I said a thousand million things that I could never say this morning

Got too deep, but how deep is too deep?

This town's a different town today
This town's a different town to what it was last night
You couldn't have done that on a Sunday

And that girl's a different girl today
Said that girl's a different girl to her you kissed last night
You couldn't have done that on a Sunday
(Of course not!)

Well I'm so glad they turned us all away. We'll put it down to fate.

I thought a thousand million things that I could never think this morning

Got too deep, but how deep is too deep?

Last night what we talked about
It made so much sense
But now the haze has ascended
It don't make no sense anymore
Said last night what we talked about
it made so much sense
But now the haze has ascended 
it don't make no sense anymore