Sunday 27 April 2014

Final Magazine Advert
For the final cut of the magazine advert we slightly changed the colour scheme, we also added on addresses for the Facebook and Twitter accounts of the band.
To fit in with the title of the album and also drawing inspiration from the Oasis and Arctic Monkeys videos we decided that we needed to add some colour into our video. We added in blue, green, red and yellow as these were the four colours represented on our cover. The effect was quite difficult to achieve as the program was very sensitive. Because of this we could not achieve the desired effect on every scene such as bringing out the colour of the guitar like we had hoped. However we still feel like it was quite a successful technique and it looks quite similar to some of the shots from the Wonderwall and The View from the afternoon videos.

The green and blue stand out very well from the black and white background, it makes the lead singer off our band stand out more as the front man.
For the final shot of the video we shot it in virtually full colour. This matched up with The View from the Afternoons later shot and gives the video a little bit more variation. 

Digipack Final Design
For our final design we toned down the brightness of the colours as we felt this gave the album more of a gritty urban feel. We also added on a website address for the band ''. This tied in with the bar code and EMI sign give the album a realistic look. 

Friday 25 April 2014

Animatic  Storyboard Final Draft
For our final draft of the animatic we included more variations in the shot types, like a close up on the character opening the door and a mid shot of him walking up the stairs. We also added a bit more depth to the story by having the main character involved in a second fight whilst walking home from the night out.  After this fight you can see the character kneeling on a wall with his head in hands thinking about the previous night, scenes like this tie in with the lyrics quite well.

Thursday 24 April 2014


Magazine Advert Research
When looking into The Stone Roses's magazine adverts I found that both had the same background art as the album covers. This is done so that the album can be easily recognised from the advert. The adverts also include positive reviews and ratings froms various scoures. There is also some details about when the album will e released and where it will be sold.
Different websites for the band and album are shown as well as some details about the track listings.