Wednesday 2 October 2013

The Pitch
1- We would use the track 'Ritz to Rubble' by the Arctic Monkeys as this fits in with our genre and does not have an original video. There would be two narratives the first would be our band singing the song in a black and white edit using different colour's to make the instruments stand out. We would also close up on the individual members of the band and get shots from different angles of them playing. The second narrative would be the lead singer walking home from a rough night out with a black eye and a ripped up shirt, this would go with the song as it is all about the day after a night out.
2- Our second pitch would be a parody video of the Wizard of Oz. We would cover the Arctic Monkeys old yellow bricks in costumes from the film (Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion). It would be a humorous video shot on green screen using clips from the film as the background.
3- The third pitch would be a 'Bitter sweet symphony' style video where we would have the lead singer lip sinking Oasis's 'Acquiesce' as he walked through the busy streets of the town centre. We would use rewind and fast forward edits on the video to give the effect of time passing and going slower we would also use different colour tints on the lens to make the viewer feel different emotions as they are watching.

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