Tuesday 24 September 2013

Genre research- For the second video I chose Arctic Monkeys-The View from the Afternoon fromt he album Whatever people say I am that's what I'm not.

Arctic Monkeys- The View from the Afternoon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeQAZsyucbQ&safe=active

1. Again like the Oasis track this video is shot in black and white, this is a convention of the genre and I think we will use this effect on our own video. This track starts with a high angle establishing shot of a suburban street with a woman walking through with a trolley. It sets the tone for the video and shows the kind of area where the band came from.

2. We the get another high angle shot of the drummer preparing himself. We get to see the instrument and the image of the artist.

3. As he starts playing it shows he is very skilled by the speed in which he is playing. Although he is not actually a member of the band these

shots are showing how integral the drummer is too songs like this as unlike most other Monkeys tracks Alex Turner isn't the sole focus of this video.

4. We are then shown a high angle long shot of the drummer playing in the middle of the street. We see the time of day pass as it shows how long hes been playing and the kind of dedication he has.

5. We then get a mid close up on a child with devil horns on. This is quite a strange image for this video

which has nothing to do with the band itself.

6. The focus is again on the artist as he plays the drums at a very high speed tempo. He in fact plays them so hard that his stick break and as the camera moves it shows the remains of all his other sticks scattered around the floor.

7. We get a close up on one of his adversaries of the text, as some young males come down and start abusing him he carries on playing the drums. This again shows his dedication and focus.

8. The next shot is completely different from the rest of the video. It is
shot in colour which instantly sticks in your mind, this effect looks a lot more effective as the rest of the video is in black and white.

9. The final shot shows him stop and water comes down him. this relates
to the previous shot where he was laying in the pool.

This video is quite different to most others as instead of focusing on the lead guitarist or singer it is solely on the drum player. Although it is quite a spectacle, I feel it could have been a better video if it had included the other members of the band. Although it was a drum heavy piece it still should have shown the lead singer and guitarist.

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