Tuesday 24 September 2013

Genre research-
I watched a video from our chosen genre (Indie rock) and took screen grabs from it to try and take some of the better ideas and conventions from it to put it into my own video.

Oasis Wonderwallhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hzrDeceEKc&safe=active
1. Simple shot of Noel playing the guitar, it is edited to be black and white a feature that runs through out the entire video. It is a mid close up so that you can see his face and shoulders and also the top of the instrument.

2. Another shot, this time a long one showing the drum player. This is an
action shot and we can see a lot more going on.

3. We now get a long shot of the entire band, the guitar that is handed to
Noel also has an effect on it so that it stands out. By making it a different colour to the rest of the video we pay more attention to it.

4. The frame is now split into four different images of Noel. This
reminded me of the Beatles album cover from 'A Hard Days Night', I also thought it looked like a passport photo shot.

5. In the next frame we are introduced to the concept of the video,
which is the circus. The colour edit has again been used so that the clowns hat stands out from the rest of the shot.

6. We now get a long shot of lead singer Liam in front of the band. He is
sat there as he is the front man so in theory he is more important than the rest of the group.

7. We now close up onto Liam singing to add to importance. We are shown his iconic John Lennon style sun glasses which tells us more about his style and image.

8. In the next frame we get a close up on the cello, no artist is shown just
the instrument. This shot shows that the cellist is not part of the band and that is why they are not in the frame.

9. In the final frame we return to the clown again where he is now going to turn of the Oasis record. This signifies the end of the song.

I think that is video is quite successful, it has a strong concept, shows all the members of the band, shows people singing and playing the instruments. Also I feel like the black and white edit and colour filter work well together making certain images stand out from the background.

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