Wednesday 7 May 2014

Evaluation Question 2- How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
I felt that our combination of music video, digipack, magazine advert and album cover all linked in very well with each other giving the project a professional feel that looked as though we were showcasing a real up coming band.

The music video
The purpose of our music video was to appeal to a Brit Indie market whilst also having an appeal within popular music. We wanted to take our band into the mainstream taking inspiration from bands such as The Arctic Monkeys, The 1975 and The Courteeners. To do this we made a video based on the lyrics of From The Ritz to the Rubble, this incorporated aspects of drinking, relationships and nights out because of this we felt the video would appeal to a younger market which is what we were aiming for. We also filmed the video around old pubs and towns to give a bit of nostalgia for the top end of our age demographic which is 16-30 year old's.

I think the video was very effective in showcasing the band singing and playing the instruments, the colour pass also tied in well with the album and magazine advert.

The Album
For the digipack we used Adobe Photoshop, we felt this gave us the ability to edit our photos heavily which is what we needed to get the desired effect with our album. By adding in these bright colours we made our album and advert very eye catching. The bright colours break the norm of your usual dull indie bands advertisement so make it stand out from the rest of the genre. We also did the album cover as an homage to Blurs the best of album cover.

All the aspects of the album and magazine advert tie in well together as they are all made in the same style. Although the video is shot in black and white we added in a colour pass so that it also fit in with the theme of technicolour. This also fit in with the generic conventions of the genre as we had previously seen in videos like Oasis's Wonderwall and The Arctic Monkeys The View From The Afternoon.

The blog
The blog was used as journal so that our teacher group and ourselves could keep up with each piece of work that we did. We posted things about research, filming editing etc. If our band was a real group this would appeal to fans as they would be able to keep up to date with everything that was going on with the band as well as all their upcoming activities.
  If this blog was for a real group it would act as the groups promotional page, slowly revealing aspects of the album until it got released. This would keep fans interested and make them wait more patiently for the album to come out. Overall I think the blog was very effective to show the process that went into making the album, video and magazine advert.

Combined Ancillary Pieces
All of our products were brought together by the title of the album 'Technicolour. We used the same design for the didgipack, cover and advert so they automatically looked in sync and added in a colour pass to our black and white video so that it also looked like it went with the other pieces. As these pieces are similar to that of other bands such as Blur and The Arctic Monkeys they would appeal to males aged 16-30 as they are already fans of these bands.

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