Tuesday 6 May 2014

Evaluation Question part 2- Music Video 
The main generic convention of Brit indie videos is that they are quite slow paced based on the style of the music. From my research I have found that these videos are usually unrelated to the songs lyrics. We decided to go against this for our music video by mixing a narrative inspired by the lyrics of the song with different shots of the band. An good example of a stereotypical Brit indie video is Oasis's Wonderwall. We used many of the same conventions as this video such as shooting it in black and white whilst also adding in certain colours at certain types to make different things stand out from the back drop.

Music video nine panel analysis
I took nine shots from Oasis's Wonderwall video and decided to compare them to the shots from our own. This would demonstrate how we stuck with the generic conventions whilst also giving it our own unique style.
Both videos quickly introduce their band members, Wonderwall first just shows Noel at a mid shot so that we can see he is playing the guitar. We decided to show both our lead singer and guitarist at a mid shot also to show that we could showcase the band's talents.
The videos then go onto other members of the band, both here showing the drummers. This is to show that it is not just the lead singer and all members of the band are equal. 

As we see in the Wonderwall video the colour map shows the highlighted green guitar this makes this stand out from the rest of the shot. We decided to do this with our lead singers jacket so that he stands out from the rest of the band. 

Where Wonderwall now went with a split four person shot with Noel, we switched from the band shots to our narrative where we showed a close up on the bouncer. 

The colour blue works very well when it is colour mapped against the black and white back ground. We decided to do this with the car as we thought it worked quite well as an effect. 

The Wonderwall video went with a 
mid shot on their lead singer with the rest of the band behind them. We went with a mid shot of our lead singer in a persona for the narrative part of the video. This narrative shows him as your stereotypical 'lad' style character.

Again both shots just show the lead singer to make them stand out as the main person in the band. The Wonderwall video shows Liam in his iconic sun glasses where as we went with a shot of our lead singer with his two black eyes.

These two shots are close ups on the work going into playing the instruments. One goes with the more classical cello where as we went with a more modern electric guitar. 
The final shots of the videos represent the end. One by showing the record being turned off ours similarly ends with our character falling asleep and the light being turned off.

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