Thursday 8 May 2014

Evaluation Question 3-What have you learned from your audience feedback?
To understand what our audience thought of our video we posted it to several different mediums to find out how well it was received. We also received some different tips on how we could improve it which we incorporated from our first draft to our final piece.

Robbie posted the video onto his Facebook wall and Cameron then shared it onto his, we did not receive that much feedback on what we could do with the video but we did receive a lot of like so we could tell that there was a positive reaction from the video. We didn't receive any negative comments on the video however so we took that as a good thing. 

After posting on Facebook we felt that this was not a good medium as we did not receive a lot of comments and the ones that we did seemed biased. This was because we could only show the video to people we already friends with so they might not want to comment negative things on the video.

After posting our first draft of the video we received some comments saying that it lacked a decent story line and due to it having no colour at all it was quite boring. The singing was also out of sync with the music. 

We as a group agreed with this comment as Youtube had slightly altered the lip syncing. The draft received more likes so we took this as quite positive feedback. 
The other comments we received seemed to agree with Matthews comments and ours stating that the video looked very professional. Although it was slightly out of sync we got the impression that our video was quite well done. 

Classroom feedbackTo get some feedback from our peers we had a lesson dedicated to watching each others videos and giving constructive criticisms, and compliments which definitely gave us some ideas on what we needed to improve on, some of the comments were:
  1. The syncing of the video was off
  2. Maybe needed more colour (before using colour pass)
  3. Needed more narration shots (before we added the bouncer scene, and the car scenes)
  4. We needed a bass guitarist (we originally began with just a guitar, no bass.. that idea was quickly changed)
All of these comments came early on enough so that we had a chance to improve on these, and overall the session was quite helpful as it gave us some criticism which was from a neutral perspective- from people who are doing the same thing.

ConclusionThis feedback gave me confidence of saying that the piece is now complete, with nothing more to do with it, though it's hard to say considering the people on Facebook who liked it are friends therefore they could be biased but overall it was quite positive. The feedback we recieved would have been very positive for a start-up band because Facebook friends and people on Youtube would most likely have been at an equal age to our target audience of 15 - 25. Although Facebook friends are slightly biased overall it would give you an idea of what fans might think of the video.
The classroom feedback was probably the most useful as it gave us an idea of what our peers who were in the same boat as us thought about our video in comparison to theirs- which was very useful information.

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