Thursday 8 May 2014

Evaluation Question 4- How did you use new media technologies  in the construction and research. planning and evaluation stages?

we are constantly seeing new technologies being used to help advertise and promote different areas of the media world, such as the music industry. Without technologies such as these our planning and the task itself would have been virtually impossible to do.

We used the instant message on Facebook so that we could constantly keep in contact with each other to arrange filming schedules and other aspects of the project. We also used the messaging service to write to The Arctic Monkeys's page to inform them that we were using their song so as to not go against any copyright laws. We also posted our video onto Facebook and received some positive comments and likes which told us that we had made a good product.

We watched professional music videos that had already been made by bands of the genre we chose, this inspired us as we ll as giving some of the generic conventions we would use for our own video. We also looked at some of the music videos from other colleges to see what the standard was like and what we needed to aim for with our own piece.

We used blogger as a journal so that the group could keep up with each others work as well as our teacher so we could receive instructions and guidance on how to improve. There was also a wide community of bloggers on the site that we could receive criticisms and encouragement on how to do our work. 

Adobe Photoshop
Photoshop played a massive part in the production of our product, we used it design our album cover, digipack and our magazine advert. To create the image we had to edit each individual photo of the band members the same filter. We used the filter neon glow to give each band member their own individual colour. We then used the paintbrush tool so as to edit out the shadows that had appeared from the original images. 

Adobe Premier Pro
We used this to create the video for our project, having already used it last year to make and edit our two minute film opening we were quite familiar with the programme. The hardest part of the video was syncing up the lyrics to the singers movements. 

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